Students only had flex and period 1 today before meeting in the gym for the winter olympics. None of the core classes met today.
No news articles are due over break, and the Chapter 5 test won't be until mid-January.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Mr. Girardi was in for me today, as I was in Geisinger for my second round of thyroid surgery. Each class was only 30 minutes long, as students watched the movie, "The Mighty" (based on the book "Freak, The Mighty", which was read in Mr. Molino's class), at the end of the day in their 7th period class. During the 30 minutes of class time, Mr. Girardi showed "A Muppet Family Christmas".
No homework was assigned, and the test is not until mid-January.
No homework was assigned, and the test is not until mid-January.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Our 15th and final news article of the year (well, at least this calendar year) was how we began our final Monday before the holiday break. Afterwards, students took the Speed Quiz and did REALLY well.
No news articles are due over break. See you next year.
No news articles are due over break. See you next year.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
We reviewed worksheet 5-5 in class by having volunteers put their answers on the board. Students then worked on a practice quiz on page 5-16. We put those answers on the board after everyone was done. If there was time remaining, students ended class by doing #1-4 on page 5-3.
News article #15 is due on Monday, and the Speed quiz is also on Monday.
News article #15 is due on Monday, and the Speed quiz is also on Monday.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
As we had a guest speaker in class yesterday, we began by reviewing the formulas for calculating speed, distance and time. Students completed worksheet 5-2 and we put those 10 problems on the board for extra credit. Student then began (and some even completed) the graphing exercise on page 5-5.
No homework was assigned, and the Speed Quiz is on Monday, December 20th.
No homework was assigned, and the Speed Quiz is on Monday, December 20th.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Mr. Girardi was in for me in the morning, but I was here for the afternoon classes. During all classes, Mrs. Kirol was in to speak with the students about the dangers of smokeless tobacco.
No homework was assigned, and the Speed Quiz will be Monday, December 20th.
No homework was assigned, and the Speed Quiz will be Monday, December 20th.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Today we discussed the difference between speed and velocity. I handed out the paper that described the 4-step method to solving word problems, and I demonstrated the sample problem on the board. We completed worksheet 5-1, and students had enough time to begin worksheet 5-2. Most students got about half of page 5-2 before the bell rang. We will complete and go over that tomorrow.
No homework was assigned, and the Speed quiz will be on Monday, December 20th.
No homework was assigned, and the Speed quiz will be on Monday, December 20th.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
News article #14 began each class today. Students received their new packets for Chapter 5, the first of our many upcoming physics chapters. We discussed the concept of "frame of reference", and I introduced it using this video from YouTube made by senior high physics students. I then showed students the relationship between speed, distance and time. BrainPop had another great video on this topic, so we watched the video and used the student responders to take the quiz that followed. We ended class by doing Part A, #1 only of worksheet 5-1.
No homework was assigned, and the quiz on calculating speed will be Monday, December 20th.
No homework was assigned, and the quiz on calculating speed will be Monday, December 20th.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Students had their Chapter 3 notebooks checked today for 100 points (5 points per page x 20 pages). We enjoyed a holiday-themed Mythbusters episode during the notebook check.
News article #14 is due on Monday.
News article #14 is due on Monday.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Students took the Chapter 3 test today using Moodle. They used the remaining class time to prepare their notebooks for tomorrow's check. Also, some students still had to take the periodic table quiz.
The only homework is tomorrow's notebook check.
The only homework is tomorrow's notebook check.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Today we practiced the periodic table quiz.....AGAIN. Only a handful of students still need to complete the quiz. Students completed worksheet 3-20 on electron arrangement, and volunteers drew their diagrams on the board. Students then worked in their groups and competed against other groups for gold medals to see who could find the correct final answer to worksheet 3-17. I ended class by giving students a sample of the questions they will encounter on tomorrow's chapter 3 test.
The only homework is to study for tomorrow's test.
The only homework is to study for tomorrow's test.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
For the fifth straight day, we began each class by practicing the periodic table of elements and allowing students to take the oral quiz. We reviewed worksheet 3-18, which students worked on in class yesterday. We discussed section 3-4 notes on electron clouds and energy levels. I also instructed students to disregard the final notes of the chapter related to the atomic forces. I used an illustration off of Moodle to show how electrons are arranged around the nucleus of an atom. Students then worked on completing worksheet 3-19 together in their groups, and I illustrated the correct answers on the board at the end of the period.
The only homework was to continue studying for the Chapter 3 test, which is in two days (Thursday, December 9th).
The only homework was to continue studying for the Chapter 3 test, which is in two days (Thursday, December 9th).
Monday, December 6, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
After listening to the 13th week of science news article summaries, we reviewed worksheet 3-16 together (students actually completed this page on Friday, but we ran out of time before we could go over it). I then introduced the concept of molecular mass and demonstrated using problem #1 on page 3-18. Students then had the rest of the period to complete page 3-18 in their groups. We will review this assignment tomorrow.
No written homework was assigned, but students were encouraged to study for Thursday's Chapter 3 test.
No written homework was assigned, but students were encouraged to study for Thursday's Chapter 3 test.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Deja vu'? Kind of, since we began today's class (AGAIN) by practicing the first 36 elements of the periodic table. We only discussed one new term today, and that was "ion", or a charged atom that has gained or lost electrons. The video from helped to strengthen understanding of this topic, as did the quiz that followed using student responders. We ended class with students working in their groups to complete worksheet 3-16.
News article #13 is due on Monday and the Chapter 3 test is on Thursday, December 9th.
News article #13 is due on Monday and the Chapter 3 test is on Thursday, December 9th.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
We began class today by reciting the first 36 elements of the periodic table and allowing students to take the oral quiz, if desired. We went over section 3-4 notes on atomic number and mass number, and students worked on Activity 3-14 in their groups. After going over this page, I discussed what "isotopes" are, and we watched the video on the same topic. Students then worked in their groups to complete worksheets 3-15.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 3 test is one week from today. Parents were sent an email today notifying them of the test.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 3 test is one week from today. Parents were sent an email today notifying them of the test.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Today we began class by practicing the first 36 elements of the periodic table in preparation for their oral quiz. We then discussed protons, neutrons and electrons (from section 3-4 notes) and watched the BrainPop movie on the same topic. After taking the quiz together as a group, we took a step back to two weeks ago and reviewed worksheet 3-9 on balancing chemical equations. I gave students concrete examples of the types of questions that would be on the test. We ended class by practicing and discussing again the first 36 elements.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 3 test is on Thursday, December 9th.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 3 test is on Thursday, December 9th.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Like any other week, we began today's class with volunteers who wanted to summarize their 12th science news articles out loud. I handed last week's articles back to students. For periods 2, 3 & 5, I also handed back the graded rubrics for the Chapter 2 VoiceThread projects. For all classes, I explained how they were graded, along with common errors and several points of excellence that I noted. Students were then given their second part of the Chapter 3 packet that contains pages 13-23. I also introduced to students the criteria for the periodic table quiz, playing for them a VoiceThread recording that demonstrated proper pronunciation of the first 36 elements. Students have from tomorrow until the Chapter 3 notebook check to take the quiz. Each student decides when he or she is ready to take the quiz.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 3 test is on Thursday, December 9th.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 3 test is on Thursday, December 9th.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The only class that met today was Period 7. Students had the opportunity for extra credit (as always) by giving an oral summary of their 11th news article. Students then worked in their groups to complete the cross-a-clue review sheet on page 3-11 & 3-12. We went over the answers at the end of the period. The entire 8th grade then met in the auditorium for a private screening of the movie, "The Karate Kid", a movie about a middle-schooler who overcomes bullying by making an unlikely friend who teaches him kung-fu and self-respect.
News article #12 is due on Tuesday, November 30th, and the chapter 3 test is on Thursday, December 9th.
News article #12 is due on Tuesday, November 30th, and the chapter 3 test is on Thursday, December 9th.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
We only had 30 minutes classes today for periods 1-6. Students had the opportunity for extra credit (as always) by giving an oral summary of their 11th news article. Students then worked in their groups to complete the cross-a-clue review sheet on page 3-11 & 3-12. We went over the answers at the end of the period.
News article #12 is due on Tuesday, November 30th, and the chapter 3 test is on Thursday, December 9th.
News article #12 is due on Tuesday, November 30th, and the chapter 3 test is on Thursday, December 9th.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
What a difference a few days of practice makes! On Wednesday and Thursday, students struggled to complete five chemical equations each day. Today, most students completed all EIGHT problems on worksheet 3-10 well before the period ended. That led me to allow them to begin worksheet 3-11 & 3-12, which is a review activity called a cross-a-clue. They are going to have to do it on Monday anyway, so some people just got a head start.
News article #11 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 3 test is on Thursday, December 9th.
News article #11 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 3 test is on Thursday, December 9th.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Students continued practicing the skill of balancing chemical equations. After showing them the practice link on the moodle website, they're goal was to complete the remaining five problems from worksheet 3-9. I would say after today, about 3/4th's of all students had a good understanding of how to balance equations.
No homework was assigned, and the chapter 3 test is Thursday, December 9th.
No homework was assigned, and the chapter 3 test is Thursday, December 9th.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Today in science class, students are learning how to balance equations. We began by deciphering which side of an equation has the reactants and which side contains the products. Since students have practice counting atoms in a chemical formula for the past two days, the main difficulty will be balancing the two sides of atoms. Working out of page 3-9, we did problems # 4, 8 & 1 together on the board. These problems served as confidence boosters, as they increased in level of difficulty each time. Students were then asked to complete only two more problems before the end of the period, which is about all they had time for.
No homework was assigned, and the chapter 3 test is still scheduled for Thursday, December 9th
No homework was assigned, and the chapter 3 test is still scheduled for Thursday, December 9th
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
We began today's class by reviewing yesterday's class in the form of worksheet 3-5. Students took about 5 minutes to complete that page before we reviewed the answers together. We then did worksheet 3-6 all together, which reviewed last week's topics, including mixture vs compound and heterogeneous vs homogeneous. I introduced students to a coefficient (from section 3-3 notes), and I showed three different examples on the board of how coefficients change the atom count in a formula. Students then used this concept to complete worksheet 3-8 before we reviewed the answers. There was just enough time left at the end of the period to watch a video on Chemical Equations, which is what the past two days are leading up to tomorrow.
No homework was assigned, and the test is scheduled for Thursday, December 9th.
No homework was assigned, and the test is scheduled for Thursday, December 9th.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Today was a typical Monday, as we began each class with oral summaries of science news articles. We discussed a portion of Section 3-3 notes on how chemical symbols and subscripts are used to create a chemical formula to represent a compound. Students learned that some elements get their chemical symbols from their Latin name. I demonstrated how to count the number of atoms in a chemical formula, including those with parentheses. Students then were assigned problems 1-10 on worksheet 3-7. We reviewed the answers using the student responders together. Students were then assigned the remaining 10 problems (#11-20) to work on for the remainder of the period.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 3 test will be on Thursday, December 9th.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 3 test will be on Thursday, December 9th.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
All of my classes are in the same part of Chapter 3 now. We began class by discussing Section 3-2 notes on elements and compounds. I introduced the periodic table and described how everything in the universe can eventually be broken down into elements on this table. I showed a video on Compounds and Mixtures, followed by the 10-question quiz. Students then worked in their groups to complete worksheets 3-3 and 3-4 before we reviewed the answers together.
News article # 10 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 3 test is on Thursday, December 9th.
News article # 10 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 3 test is on Thursday, December 9th.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
My period 2 class took a Youth Tobacco Survey today during science class. After everyone was done, we went to the library with the remaining 15 minutes. No homework was assigned.
Periods 3, 5, 6 & 7 worked in groups to complete worksheet 3-2 on separating mixtures based on physical and chemical properties. We went over the ideas once everyone was done. We ended class by finishing section 3-1 notes on solutions, alloys, colloids and suspensions. No homework was assigned.
Periods 3, 5, 6 & 7 worked in groups to complete worksheet 3-2 on separating mixtures based on physical and chemical properties. We went over the ideas once everyone was done. We ended class by finishing section 3-1 notes on solutions, alloys, colloids and suspensions. No homework was assigned.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Period 2 students worked on worksheet 3-2 in their groups today, which tasks them with describing how to separate different mixtures based on their different physical and chemical properties. We then finished discussing the bottom of section 3-1 notes on specialty mixtures and solutions. No homework was assigned.
Periods 3-7 did what period 2 did yesterday. They each received their new packet for Chapter 3. We discussed the top of section 3-1 notes which differentiates between homogeneous and heterogeneous matter. Students then worked in their groups to complete worksheet 3-1 before we reviewed it together. Any remaining time was used to watch a small sample of the students recently-completed VoiceThreads. No homework was assigned.
Periods 3-7 did what period 2 did yesterday. They each received their new packet for Chapter 3. We discussed the top of section 3-1 notes which differentiates between homogeneous and heterogeneous matter. Students then worked in their groups to complete worksheet 3-1 before we reviewed it together. Any remaining time was used to watch a small sample of the students recently-completed VoiceThreads. No homework was assigned.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My period 2 class began by handing in their Chapter 2 notebooks before getting their new packet for Chapter 3. We discussed the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous in reference to section 3-1 notes. Students then worked in their groups to complete worksheet 3-1 before we went over it together. No homework was assigned.
Periods 3, 5, 6 & 7 got to watch the rest of yesterday's Mythbuster's episode while I checked their Chapter 2 notebooks. No homework was assigned.
Periods 3, 5, 6 & 7 got to watch the rest of yesterday's Mythbuster's episode while I checked their Chapter 2 notebooks. No homework was assigned.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Great to be back in the classroom!
We began today with our first news article summary of the second quarter, but our 9th overall. To earn extra credit, students needed to give their normal oral summary while standing at their desk as opposed to sitting. After listening to all volunteered summaries, students were called to my desk one at a time to have their online lab packet checked.
The chapter 2 packet is due tomorrow for 60 points.
We began today with our first news article summary of the second quarter, but our 9th overall. To earn extra credit, students needed to give their normal oral summary while standing at their desk as opposed to sitting. After listening to all volunteered summaries, students were called to my desk one at a time to have their online lab packet checked.
The chapter 2 packet is due tomorrow for 60 points.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
My last day out. Students had until the end of the period today to complete their VoiceThread project and hand in their rubric to Mr. Girardi. On Monday, I'll be back on Monday and we'll go through news articles, I'll go over the Chapter 2 test and I'll collect the packets for the online lab.
News article #9 and the online lab are due on Monday.
News article #9 and the online lab are due on Monday.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I would estimate that about half of all students have now completed their VoiceThread project with one day to go. Students must have their project completed and their rubric handed in to Mr. Girardi before they leave science class tomorrow.
No homework is due tomorrow, but News Article #9 is due on Monday.
No homework is due tomorrow, but News Article #9 is due on Monday.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Students took the Chapter 2 test using Moodle today. Following the test, students used the remaining time to work on and possibly complete their VoiceThread project.
No homework was assigned, but their VoiceThread is due by the end of class on Friday.
No homework was assigned, but their VoiceThread is due by the end of class on Friday.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Students continued to progress through their VoiceThread project. Their primary focus tonight, however, should be to study and prepare for tomorrow's Chapter 2 test.
The only homework is to study for tomorrow's test.
The only homework is to study for tomorrow's test.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
News articles were not due today. Students continued to work on their VoiceThread projects.
No homework was assigned, but students should continue to study for Wednesday's Chapter 2 test.
No homework was assigned, but students should continue to study for Wednesday's Chapter 2 test.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Students began their second day of the voicethread project. Some students who may have been absent one or more days over the past two weeks may still not have started their VoiceThread, but hopefully by Monday they will be all up to speed.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test is on Wednesday, November 3rd.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test is on Wednesday, November 3rd.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
While some students were still finishing the end of their online lab, the majority of students began the creation of their VoiceThread project by uploading the pictures of their three graphs.
No homework was assigned, but this project is due on Friday, November 5th. The Chapter 2 test is on Wednesday, November 3rd.
No homework was assigned, but this project is due on Friday, November 5th. The Chapter 2 test is on Wednesday, November 3rd.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Most students should have spent today finishing the final pages of the online lab that explored the relationship between the volume, temperature and pressure of a gas. If students have fallen behind due to an absence from school or due to working at a slower pace, they may either get caught up at home or use more class time to complete this assignment. They need to have the online lab completed before they can begin the VoiceThread project that starts tomorrow.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test is one week from today.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test is one week from today.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Mr. Girardi was in for me today and will remain in my room through November 5th, as I had surgery to have my thyroid removed this morning. Students begain lesson # 3 of the online lab today.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test is on Wednesday, November 3rd.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test is on Wednesday, November 3rd.
Monday, October 25, 2010
We began today by listening to the 8th edition of science news article summaries. I then explained to students about their upcoming VoiceThread project, which is due on Friday, November 5th. I described in great detail to them how they are to take the three graphs from their online lab and upload them into their project. They each have in their possession the rubric by which they will be evaluated on this project. The rest of the time in class was used to complete lesson # 2 of the online lab.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test is on Wednesday, November 3rd.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test is on Wednesday, November 3rd.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Today was Day 3 of our 6-day exploration of the pressure, volume and temperature of a gas. Students continued to use the online lab link in Moodle to explore the relationships between those three properties of gases. We began lesson #2 today, and I told students that they should be done with lesson 2 (and therefore, worksheet "I" also) by the end of class on Monday.
News article #8 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 2 test will be on Wednesday, November 3rd.
News article #8 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 2 test will be on Wednesday, November 3rd.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Today was Day 2 of the online gas lab, relating the pressure, volume and temperature of a gas. By the end of class today, students should have been done up to and including page E.
No homework was assigned, and the chapter 2 test will be on Wednesday, November 3rd.
No homework was assigned, and the chapter 2 test will be on Wednesday, November 3rd.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I was out sick today. However, in my absence, Mr. Rosamilia led student through the beginning of a 6-day online lab that explores the relationship between the volume, pressure and temperature of gasses.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test is exactly two weeks from today, on November 3rd.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test is exactly two weeks from today, on November 3rd.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
We began class by looking at the moodle main page. I discussed the due dates of some upcoming events, and the different links that are available to help them prepare for the upcoming Chapter 2 test. We then moved to today's lab, which was comparing the temperature and pressure of a gas. Students used the lab sheets from pages 2-8 & 2-9 to finish this assignment. Towards the end of class, we watched a brief 15-minute video on matter and energy. Students completed worksheet 2-11, which coincided with the video.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test will be Wednesday, November 3rd.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test will be Wednesday, November 3rd.
Monday, October 18, 2010
We began today by listening to our 7th week of science news article summaries. We then finished the notes in Chapter 2 by going over section 2-3 notes on chemical properties and changes. I compared them to physical properties and changes. I used sodium+chlorine as an example of chemical change. had a great video on physical vs chemical properties that we watched after discussing the notes. Students logged into the students responders for the first time and took a 10-question quiz worth 20 points. When students were done with the quiz, they worked on pages 2-3 & 2-4 with a partner or in their groups. We reviewed these pages at the end of the period.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test is on Wednesday, November 3rd.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test is on Wednesday, November 3rd.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Today in class we discussed section 2-2 notes on phase changes in matter. Students used a phase change diagram that was in their packet to follow along with the powerpoint presentation. We watched a movie on the same topic, "Changing States of Matter", and took the quiz that followed. Students then worked in their groups to complete and review worksheet 2-2 by the end of the period. Period 3 also had time to work on worksheet 2-12, but did not complete it.
News article # 7 is due on Monday.
News article # 7 is due on Monday.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The main focus of today's class was to differentiate between a direct vs inverse relationship. For about 10 minutes we brainstormed different examples of variable pairs with direct and inverse relationships. I did this to introduce Boyle's Law and Charles' Law, which both describe the behavior of a gas. We then watched a video on States of Matter. The remaining class time was used to complete a Gas Laws Lab on worksheet 2-10. (don't forget to increase the volume set in steps 2 & 4)
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Mrs. Jones and I worked as a parallel teaching team today. We split the class in half and we each taught the same lesson to our half. The lesson was taking the data from yesterday's lab (worksheet 2-6 & 2-7) and creating a graph online. Students saved that graph to their "Science 8" folder in "My Documents". Students were the shown how to place that graph onto their science wiki page. In the later classes, students also attempted to create a new Glog specifically for their science wiki page that contained their new graph.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test is scheduled for November 4th.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test is scheduled for November 4th.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
It's all around us and we need it to survive. What is it? Air! Air really seems to be weightless...or is it? That's what we had to find out. In today's lab, students investigated how much, if anything, air weighed. They performed the lab from pages 2-6 and 2-7 and discovered that air does, in fact have mass, albeit VERY VERY little. They discovered this by forcing (pumping) small amounts of air into a sealed 2-liter bottle and measuring the change in mass from the empty bottle.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Students handed in their scoring rubric for their wiki frontpage assignment. We then listened to oral summaries for the Week #6 news articles. Students were given their new Chapter 2 packets and we discussed section 2-1 notes within. A powerpoint for those notes, as well as the notes themselves, can be found on the Moodle site. Finally, students worked in their groups to complete worksheet 2-1 before the period ended.
No homework was assigned
No homework was assigned
Friday, October 8, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
For our fifth and final day of Tech Week, students were given their own VoiceThread account. From the computer lab, I demonstrated to students how to access VoiceThread, how to upload and/or find pictures, how to comment on their pictures, and finally, how to share and post online. Students were also encouraged to leave commnets on each other's finished products.
News article #6 is due Monday, along with the wiki/glog assignment.
News article #6 is due Monday, along with the wiki/glog assignment.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Today was Day 4 of Tech Week. We had shortened classes due to a clubs schedule and an afternoon assembly to watch "The Outsiders". Since classes were only 27-20 minutes long, students were allowed to use this time to put the finishing touches on their glog/wiki assignment. Today was the last class time that will be used for this assignment. Tomorrow, the last day of Tech Week, will be used for introducing VoiceThreads.
Glogs/Wiki assignment is due on Monday.
Glogs/Wiki assignment is due on Monday.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Back in the computer lab for Day 3 of Tech Week. So Friday they learned about Glogs, and yesterday they got their own wiki page. Today was the day that they combined the two of them together by embedding their glog into their wiki. It sounds more complicated that it really was, and students did an outstanding job with it. I also handed out the rubric for how they will be graded on this web assignment.
The wiki frontpage is due by the beginning of class on Monday.
The wiki frontpage is due by the beginning of class on Monday.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
We were back in the computer lab today to begin Day 2 of Tech Week. After hearing some out-loud summaries from out 5th week of news articles, students opened up their glog and my wiki page. Students were instructed on how to login and create pages in their wikis. I then demonstrated how to embed their glog into their wikis, along with how to link to different pages in their wiki. We will be working more with this in future days.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Monday, October 4, 2010
I was out today, and Mr. Girardi was in for me again. He collected news article #5 from students. He then showed an ABC News Primetime special called, "Caught Cheating". This video dealt with teenage issues such as plagiarism, copying homework and even illegally downloading digital music. Students had to write their opinions/views on each topic as the video progressed.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Today began "Tech Week". Students will be learning three different web 2.0 technologies over the next five days. Today's topic was creating a Glog. Students were directed to a link on my Moodle site that will lead them to Glogster, a website that allows students to create a poster on their wiki (which they will create on Tuesday).
News article # 5 is due on Monday (Mr. Girardi will be in for me).
News article # 5 is due on Monday (Mr. Girardi will be in for me).
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
We reviewed the Chapter 1 test today so students understood why each questions was right or wrong. I encouraged them to take my advice next time on how to properly prepare for the test. Whereas most students only studied the night before or the day of the test, I recommended to them last week that they should study 15 minutes every night starting with a week before the test.
The students then watched Mythbusters while I called them to my desk one at a time to have their notebooks graded for 100 points.
No homework was assigned.
The students then watched Mythbusters while I called them to my desk one at a time to have their notebooks graded for 100 points.
No homework was assigned.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Students took their Chapter 1 test using Moodle today, which means they took it completely online. They learned of their score as soon as they were done, so don't be afraid to ask them :-). Afterwards, they were given time to print out the graphs that they created last Friday and Monday. These will be part of tomorrow's notebook check, which is also worth 100 points. Students are responsible for all of the worksheets (except pages 7, 14, 15 & celcius conversion) for tomorrow's check.
No homework is assigned other than to have the notebook complete.
No homework is assigned other than to have the notebook complete.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Since I was not here yesterday, I gave back to students their news articles that Mr. Girardi had collected. Each student was afforded the opportunity to summarize their article out loud for extra credit. I then check their homework, which was worksheet 1-19 for 15 points. We went page-by-page through the Chapter 1 packet so that they knew EXACTLY what for what they are responsible come Thursday's notebook check. Students had the rest of the period to complete pages 17 & 18 on graphing, and we reviewed those pages at the end of the period.
The only homework is to study for tomorrow's Chapter 1 test. Notebook check will be on Thursday.
The only homework is to study for tomorrow's Chapter 1 test. Notebook check will be on Thursday.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Mr. Girardi was in for me today, as I was attending an inservice training down at the Rommelt building. After collecting our 4th news article summary, students worked with their partner to complete pages 16-18 on creating and interpreting graphs. Both of the graphs on page 16 were done online and saved to their documents folder.
Students were assigned page 19, a study guide, for homework, due tomorrow.
The chapter one test will be on Wednesday.
Students were assigned page 19, a study guide, for homework, due tomorrow.
The chapter one test will be on Wednesday.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Our final topic of this chapter is about graphing. We discussed section 1-6 notes which included the use of pie, bar and line graphs. After viewing examples online, students went to a website that allowed them to create a graph online. We used this website to create a pie graph using the data on worksheet 16. Each student was able to save their pie graph to a new "Science-8" folder in "My Documents" in their school account. They will complete the other two graphs from worksheet 1-16 on Monday, also online. It is NOT homework.
News article summary # 4 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 1 test is on Wednesday.
News article summary # 4 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 1 test is on Wednesday.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Thursday, 9/23/10
Students came into science class today to find a can of pepsi and a can of diet pepsi swimming in an otherwise empty fish tank. We discussed and demonstrated why the pepsi sank to the bottom, while the diet pepsi floated to the surface. It all has to do with their relative densities. Since water has a density of 1 g/mL, any object with a density greater than 1 g/mL will sink in water. All objects with a density less than 1 g/mL will sink in water. Since both cans have the same volume (take up the same amount of space), the difference must be in their masses. It turns out that pepsi has a mass that is 17 grams more than that of the diet pepsi. That makes the pepsi more dense than the diet pepsi, and more dense than the water, causing it to sink.
We then used the student responders to take an online practice quiz on density mass and volume. Tomorrow we will cover graphing, our last topic of this chapter
There is no assigned homework, and the test is on Wednesday, September 29th.
We then used the student responders to take an online practice quiz on density mass and volume. Tomorrow we will cover graphing, our last topic of this chapter
There is no assigned homework, and the test is on Wednesday, September 29th.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wednesday, 9/22/10
Today we began class by watching a movie from on Mass, Volume & Density. Students used their hand-held responders to answer the quiz questions. We continued the density lab from yesterday, as students were given three solid cubes of unknown metals of which they had to determine the mass, volume and density. They then compared their calculated densities to a reference chart of know densities to determine their identities.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 1 test is one week from today. Students can go to my Moodle site to begin preparing for the test.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 1 test is one week from today. Students can go to my Moodle site to begin preparing for the test.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tuesday, 9/21/10
We began class by reviewing the conclusion questions from the lab over the past two days. We then introduced the term "DENSITY" and referred to section 1-3 notes. I handed out a 4-page lab on finding density of unknown substances which then started. They had about the remaining 20 minutes of class to work through finding the mass, volume and densities of three unknown liquids. We will work on the unknown solids tomorrow.
No homework was assigned, and the chapter 1 test will be one week from tomorrow (Sept 29th).
No homework was assigned, and the chapter 1 test will be one week from tomorrow (Sept 29th).
Monday, 9/20/10
We began class by listening to volunteer summaries for our third week of science news articles. Once the news articles were collected, students had an additional 20 minutes to complete the metric measurement lab on page 1-13 that we began on Friday. We went over the results of the lab at the end of class, but we did not have time to go over the conclusion questions. We'll do that tomorrow.
The only homework students have is to make sure that they have the conclusion questions completed from page 1-12. The Chapter 1 test will be on Wednesday, September 29th.
The only homework students have is to make sure that they have the conclusion questions completed from page 1-12. The Chapter 1 test will be on Wednesday, September 29th.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Day 12
I checked students homework from last night (pages 8, 9, 10 & 11), worth 5 points each. We reviewed the answers for each measurement on all pages using a magnified projection on the board. We began the measurement lab from page 12 & 13. Students worked alone or with a partner to take seven measurements from each of four stations: Temperature, Mass, Length and Volume. This is a 2-day lab, so I stressed to students to take their time and focus on accuracy.
News article #3 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 1 test is on Wednesday, September 29th.
News article #3 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 1 test is on Wednesday, September 29th.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day 11
Today in class we introduced the tools that we will be using in the science lab this year. They include the metric ruler to measure length, the triple-beam balance to measure mass, thermometer to measure temperature in Celcius degrees, the graduated cylinder to measure temperature, and the graduated cylinder to measure volume. Students got to practice using each of these tools at their tables. We then used websites from the Moodle to practice reading the triple beam balances and graduated cylinders.
For homework, students were assigned worksheets 1-8, 1-9, 1-10 & 1-11. Each page is worth 5 points and the assignment is due tomorrow (Friday).
News article #3 is due on Monday.
For homework, students were assigned worksheets 1-8, 1-9, 1-10 & 1-11. Each page is worth 5 points and the assignment is due tomorrow (Friday).
News article #3 is due on Monday.
Day 10
Today students completed the bottom of activity 1-6. To accomplish this, we used an online dimensional analysis calculator through a moodle link. We went over the answers at the end of class. I think now that after three days of hard work, most students have a great understanding of how to convert back and forth between metric and English units.
There was no homework assigned and the chapter 1 test will be Wednesday, September 29th.
There was no homework assigned and the chapter 1 test will be Wednesday, September 29th.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day 9
Today in class we practiced converting from English units to metric units. To this end, students used the reference chart on worksheet 1-2 to complete the first 10 problems on worksheet 1-6. We also watched a video on metric vs customary units.
There was no homework, and the chapter 1 test date is Wednesday, September 29th.
There was no homework, and the chapter 1 test date is Wednesday, September 29th.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day 8
Students had the opportunity to summarize their news articles out loud for extra credit, as they will every week. After collecting the news articles, students got back their quizzes that they took last Friday.
The topic of today's discussion was giving meaning to all those metric terms we learned last week. It's fine and dandy to say that 1000 grams equals one kilogram, but what does a kilogram feel like in your hand compared to a gram? What is it close to in our English units? A pound? An ounce? A ton? This is what we are going to discover.We ended class by completing most of worksheet 1-5, which gave some meaning to metric units and appreviations.
There is no homework, and the Chapter 1 test is on Wednesday, September 29th.
The topic of today's discussion was giving meaning to all those metric terms we learned last week. It's fine and dandy to say that 1000 grams equals one kilogram, but what does a kilogram feel like in your hand compared to a gram? What is it close to in our English units? A pound? An ounce? A ton? This is what we are going to discover.We ended class by completing most of worksheet 1-5, which gave some meaning to metric units and appreviations.
There is no homework, and the Chapter 1 test is on Wednesday, September 29th.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Day 7
Students took their quiz on Metric Conversion. An example problem would be 45 kilograms equals how many grams? There were 15 problems, each one worth two points for a total of 30 points. Once everyone finished, I passed back the science news article summaries that they had handed in earlier in the week. Each one was graded, and the most common mistakes were discussed out loud so that those mistakes were not repeated. We ended class be completing Activity 1-3 together in their groups.
News article #2 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 1 test is scheduled for Wednesday, September 29th.
News article #2 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 1 test is scheduled for Wednesday, September 29th.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 6
Today was a simple day. We began class by watching a video on the scientific method. Just like yesterday, we took the 10-question quiz right after the video using the student responders. Since our quiz on metric conversion is tomorrow, students got a sneak preview by way of a practice test. After completing the 15-problem practice assessment, we reviewed the answers together in class. I referred students to several sites on moodle that will be helpful to their quiz preparation tonight.
No homework was assigned, although news article #2 is due on Monday. The metric quiz will be tomorrow.
No homework was assigned, although news article #2 is due on Monday. The metric quiz will be tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Day 5
We began class by checking last night's homework, which was worksheet 1-4 (that's chapter 1, worksheet #4) for 10 points. We reviewed the answers by using student responders so that everyone could give their answer without fear of failure. We then watched a movie on metric units using a web service I subscribe to called BrainPop. Following the video, students answers a 10-question quiz, again using the student responders.
Finally, we reviewd the scientific method and vocabulary by working in groups to complete worksheet 1-1 in their packets.
No homework was assigned, and their metric conversion quiz is still scheduled for this Friday.
Finally, we reviewd the scientific method and vocabulary by working in groups to complete worksheet 1-1 in their packets.
No homework was assigned, and their metric conversion quiz is still scheduled for this Friday.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Day 4
Students turned in the first science news articles and summaries today. They will get feedback from this assignment before the end of the week. Chapter 1 packets were handed out today and students were asked to 3-hole punch them and place them into their 3-ring binders, a requirement for my class. We discussed Section 1-2 notes on metric units. We discussed the base units for measuring mass, length and volume (gram, meter and liter, respectively) and how to convert from one size unit to another, such as a kilometer to a centimeter. Students were given some examples to work on during class before the homework was assigned.
Homework was worksheet #4 from the packet. All 10 problems need to be completed. The quiz on metric conversion is still scheduled for this Friday, September 10th.
Homework was worksheet #4 from the packet. All 10 problems need to be completed. The quiz on metric conversion is still scheduled for this Friday, September 10th.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Day 3
Today in class we discussed the three types of variables in an experiment: control, independent and dependent. I gave a few examples of each type of variable within different make-believe experiments. Students looked at an online diagram of the scientific method. Students then worked at their own pace to complete an online tutorial on using the scientific method.
News article #1 is due on Tuesday, and the metric conversion quiz is on Friday, September 10th.
News article #1 is due on Tuesday, and the metric conversion quiz is on Friday, September 10th.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day 2
Two down, only 177 more to go. Today in class we reviewed yesterday's news article so that everyone had a better understanding of the "why" and "vocab" sections. Our topic today was "Theory vs Law". We started with a online simulation that tested students' observation skills using a "Spot the Difference". I then asked students to go to and define the terms "theory" and "law". Working with their partner, students then had to identify the difference between a theory and a law and post that difference in the discussion forum. All of this was done within the friendly confines of Moodle.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Day 1
Today was the first day of 8th grade for the Class of 2015. We began class with the alphabetical seating chart, followed by students filling out their book cards and agendas.
The focus of today's lesson was on the proper way to summarize their weekly science news articles. Using the Moodle site, students were lead through a tutorial on the correct site for retrieving articles, the requirements for the summary, a link to the template, and a sample news article on sugary soft drinks. The bell rang before we completely summarized the article, but students got a pretty good idea of what is required. Plus, they also got to experiment with a cool new web 2.0 tool called "Wall Wisher".
Their first news article is due on Tuesday, September 7th, and their first quiz will be Friday, September 10th.
The focus of today's lesson was on the proper way to summarize their weekly science news articles. Using the Moodle site, students were lead through a tutorial on the correct site for retrieving articles, the requirements for the summary, a link to the template, and a sample news article on sugary soft drinks. The bell rang before we completely summarized the article, but students got a pretty good idea of what is required. Plus, they also got to experiment with a cool new web 2.0 tool called "Wall Wisher".
Their first news article is due on Tuesday, September 7th, and their first quiz will be Friday, September 10th.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Final Exams- Day 2
Today students took their final exam in English. They were SUPPOSED to take their science final too, but technical difficulties prevented it from happening. Since every chapter test this year was paperless on Moodle, it only made sense that the final exam would be, as well. Unfortunately, the Moodle server was unable to accommodate all 93 students working online at the same time, and the system crashed. With this unexpected incident, the science final was cancelled and the regular year end average was used for a final exam score.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Final Exams- Day 1
Students took their final exams in math and social studies today. Tomorrow's finals will be English and science.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Last Full Day
Today we met with each class for about 18 minutes in the morning. I discussed with them how the final exam is weighted into their final overall grade and gave to them the current overall grade going into their final. After lunch, students met in the gymnasium for an afternoon of academic and athletic competition.
The science final exam will be on Thursday.
The science final exam will be on Thursday.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Chapter 9 Notebook Check
Today we reviewed the chapter 9 test. Then, while watching Mythbusters "No Pain, No Gain", students had their chapter 9 notebooks checked for their final fourth quarter grade.
No homework is assigned.
No homework is assigned.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Final Exam preview #3
My wife came down with the flu last night, so I took the day off to take care of things at home. Miss Shadle was my substitute and she instructed students to grab a laptop computer and take the final exam practice test.
We will due our chapter 9 notebook check tomorrow.
We will due our chapter 9 notebook check tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Chapter 9 Test
Today in class, students took the Chapter 9 test on Moodle.
The notebook check is tomorrow.
The notebook check is tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Finish Chapter 9
Today in class students closed the door on their year of science news articles. We listened to the oral summaries for the 34th and final time. Students then worked with their partners to complete worksheet 9-10 and 9-11, which we then went over before the end of class.
The chapter 9 test is tomorrow and the notebook check will be on Thursday.
The chapter 9 test is tomorrow and the notebook check will be on Thursday.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Final Exam preview #2
Well, you know what they say about "best laid plans"- basically the same thing as Murphy's Law. So today I had a doctor's appointment at Geisinger so I planned on having the students use the laptops. That part was no problem. However, their objective was to take the final exam practice test on Moodle. Unbeknownst to me, Moodle needed "emergency maintainence" from 9am to 1pm (thanks for the advanced notice...NOT). Thankfully, Mrs. Wonderlich, a veteran teacher, was my substitute teacher for the day, and she was able to roll with the punches until the Moodle was fully operational. WHEW!!!
The last news article of the year is due tomorrow, and the final chapter test on Waves will be on Wednesday.
The last news article of the year is due tomorrow, and the final chapter test on Waves will be on Wednesday.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Wave Interactions
Today was our last discussion of chapter notes for the year. We discussed the interactions of waves from section 9-3 notes, including reflection, refraction, diffraction and interference. Students then watched their last video on Waves, followed by the interactive quiz. Finally, students were assigned worksheet 9-9 to complete with their partner.
News articles are due on Tuesday.
News articles are due on Tuesday.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Slinky Lab
We began class today by reviewing worksheets 9-4 & 9-5 which were done in class yesterday. Students then worked in groups of three or four to complete the slinky lab from pages 9-7 & 9-8. We discussed the answers to the conclusion questions once everyone was done with the lab.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Speed, Frequency and Wavelength of waves
Today in class, we discussed section 9-2 notes, which described the amplitude, wavelength and frequency of a wave. Students were assigned pages 9-2, 9-3, 9-4 & 9-5 to work on in class with their partner.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Intro to Waves
After listening to summaries from our 33rd week of science news articles, we began Chapter 9 on Waves. We discussed section one notes, which differentiates between transverse and longitudinal waves. I provided a demonstration of each using a giant slinky coil. Students were then assigned page 9-1 to do with their partner, and we reviewed the answers before class ended.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Final Exam preview #1
Mr. Sampson was my substitute teacher today. He instructed the students to log into Moodle and take the fianl exam practice test, a set of 100 randomly chosen questions from previous chapter exams.
News articles are due tomorrow.
News articles are due tomorrow.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Lewis & Clark Webquest- Final Day
Today students completed their group wiki comparing the Lewis and Clark expedition to a future mission to explore Mars. Mr. Girardi was in for me today as I was helping the Junior class decorate for Saturday night's prom.
News articles are due on Tuesday.
News articles are due on Tuesday.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Lewis & Clark Webquest- Day 5
As the title suggests, today was the fifth day of our Lewis & Clark webquest, and the second day for student to work in their group to create their wiki. All students are well aware that the wikis must be completed by the end of Friday's class. I will not be in school tomorrow, as I will be helping to decorate for the prom.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Lewis and Clark Webquest- Day 4
Today students began step 3 of their Lewis and Clark webquest. They have until the end of class on Friday to complete step 3, which is creating a wiki on their group's topic.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Lewis & Clark Webquest- Day 3
Students worked on Step 2 of their webquest within their topic group today. In tomorrow's class, each group will begin creating their wiki based on their group's topic. This project will take three more class days.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Lewis & Clark Webquest- Day 2
After listening to oral summaries of our 32nd week of news articles, students we given the task of researching their webquest topic from the Lewis & Clark perspective. They were to take notes and copy any relevant graphics and links that pertain to their group's topic. This information will be used again starting this Wednesday when each group begins creating their wiki for their particular topic.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Lewis & Clark Webquest- Day 1
Today began our 6-day webquest for our Lewis & Clark thematic unit. Our objective was to compare the trials and tribulations of Lewis and Clark's journey to our present day quest to explore the planet, Mars. Students today worked on the introduction and task, and after news articles on Monday will be Step 1.
News articles are due on Monday.
News articles are due on Monday.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Finish Electric Safety posters
Today students finished their electric safety posters in class. Each group was given a safety rule and asked to illustrate it on an 11" x 17" piece of copy paper. Posters will be judged Monday by the 8th grade team.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Electric Safety Posters- Day 1
Today students began creating posters for the PP&L Electric Safety contest. Students were put into six different groups and asked to illustrate the basic safety rule that their group was given.
No homework was assigned, and the posters will be due at the end of tomorrow's class.
No homework was assigned, and the posters will be due at the end of tomorrow's class.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Chapter 8 Notebook Check
Today we went over the Chapter 8 test in class. We then watched a Mythbusters episode on electricity myths while students had their notebooks checked.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Chapter 8 Test
After listening to some oral summaries of our 31st week of science news articles, students took the chapter 8 test online using Moodle.
The notebook check is tomorrow.
The notebook check is tomorrow.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Completing Chapter 8 on Electricity
Today in class, students worked with their partner or small groups to complete their Chapter 8 packet. We went over the remaining pages in class.
News article # 31 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 8 test will be that same day. Notebook check will be on Tuesday.
News article # 31 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 8 test will be that same day. Notebook check will be on Tuesday.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Electric Circuits, Day 2
Today we completed Chapter 8 notes on electric safety, including fuses and circuit breakers. Students then completed our circuits lab on pages 8-21 & 8-22, which integrated Ohm's Law into their experiment. We concluded class by completing activity 8-14 in groups.
No homework was assigned, and the chapter 8 test is on Monday.
No homework was assigned, and the chapter 8 test is on Monday.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Electric Circuits Lab
Today students worked in small groups in exploring the difference between series and parallel circuits. This was from the lab on pages 8-19 and 8-20. Students then stayed in their small groups to complete worksheets 8-12 and 8-13.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 8 test will be on Monday.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 8 test will be on Monday.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
PSSA Science Exam
Students took the PSSA Science exams today, the final installment of this year's PSSA exams. Because the tests were broken down into a morning and afternoon session, class time greatly reduced. In that time, we watched two segments of mythbusters on the legitimacy of a giant lego ball and whether or not "double-dipping" a chip actually is as disgusting as putting your mouth in the dip.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Electric Circuits
After reveiwing the summaries of our 30th week of news articles. Only four more to go. In class we watched a video to introduce our lesson on electric circuits. After discussing section 8-6 notes, students were given graphing paper to create schematic drawings of circuit configurations.
No homework was assigned, and PSSA science exams are tomorrow.
The chapter 8 test will be on Monday, May 3rd.
No homework was assigned, and PSSA science exams are tomorrow.
The chapter 8 test will be on Monday, May 3rd.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Wet Cells & Dry Cells
We began class today by reviewing the problems from page 8-11, which were done in class yesterday. We then discussed section 8-5 notes on electrochemical cells (commonly called batteries). We watched a video on the same topic. We ended class by completing problem #6 on page 8-2 and problem #6 on page 8-4.
News article #30 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 8 test will on Monday, May 3rd.
News article #30 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 8 test will on Monday, May 3rd.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Energy = power x time
Students got back their quiz on Ohm's Law and we reviewed the answers. We finished section 8-4 notes on calculating electrical energy (E=P t), and students worked with their partner on worksheet 8-11.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
PSSA Writing and Dental Hygiene
In the morning, students took their second day of PSSA Writing assessments, this one being an open ended response to a writing prompt. After lunch in science class, students were engaged in a presentation on oral piercings and hygiene from Mrs. Carol Kirol, the school district's dental hygienist.
No homework is assigned.
No homework is assigned.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
PSSA Writing & Ohm's Law Quiz
Students today had their first taste of the PSSA Writing exam. They needed to answer 20 multiple-choice questions in the morning session and respond to one writing prompt in the lone afternoon session. During science class, students took the quiz on Ohm's Law (I = V/R).
No homework was assigned. Tomorrow's class will bring a guest speaker, school dental hygienist Carol Kirol, to discuss her annual dental topics.
No homework was assigned. Tomorrow's class will bring a guest speaker, school dental hygienist Carol Kirol, to discuss her annual dental topics.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Ohm's Law quiz prep
Back to regular school days again! After four consecutive half days filled with PSSA exams, today brought us back some sense of normalcy, however short-lived. We began class by listening to some oral summaries of our 29th week of news articles. Students then worked with their partners to complete pages 8-9 & 8-10, which served to reviewed the formulas and variables associated with Ohm's Law and power. After putting the solutions to these problems on the board, we ended class by watching a Bill Nye video on Static Electricity.
The quiz on Ohm's Law is tomorrow.
The quiz on Ohm's Law is tomorrow.
Friday, April 16, 2010
PSSA & Lightning Video- Day 5
Today was the 5th and final day of our PSSA Math & Reading week. Students were given their third reading assessment in the morning. We only met with our period 2 class today, but during that time we listened to the oral summaries of our 28th week of science news articles. Students then watched a National Geographic video on the dangers and myths of lightning.
News articles are due on Monday, April 19th.
News articles are due on Monday, April 19th.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
PSSA and Lightning Video, Day 4
Today was Day 4 of our PSSA Math & Reading week. Students were given their second reading assessment in the morning. We only got to meet with our period 3 class today, but during that time we listened to the oral summaries of our 28th week of science news articles. Students then watched a National Geographic video on the dangers and myths of lightning.
Students in period 2 have a news article due tomorrow, and all students will have a news article due on Monday, April 19th.
Students in period 2 have a news article due tomorrow, and all students will have a news article due on Monday, April 19th.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
PSSA & Lightning Video
Today was Day 3 of our PSSA Math & Reading week. Students were given their second reading assessment in the morning. We only got to meet with our period 5 class today, but during that time we listened to the oral summaries of our 28th week of science news articles. Students then watched a National Geographic video on the dangers and myths of lightning.
Students have a news article due this week on whatever day they have their science class.
Students have a news article due this week on whatever day they have their science class.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
PSSA & Lightning Video
Today was Day 2 of our PSSA Math & Reading week. Students were given their second math assessment in the morning. We only got to meet with our period 6 class today, but during that time we listened to the oral summaries of our 28th week of science news articles. Students then watched a National Geographic video on the dangers and myths of lightning.
Students have a news article due this week on whatever day they have their science class.
Students have a news article due this week on whatever day they have their science class.
Monday, April 12, 2010
PSSA & Lightning Video
Today began our PSSA Math & Reading week. Students were given their first math assessment in the morning and then their first reading assessment in the afternoon. We only got to meet with our period 7 class today, but during that time we listened to the oral summaries of our 28th week of science news articles. Students then watched a National Geographic video on the dangers and myths of lightning. We ended the day with an assembly in the auxiliary gym to draw gold medals for prizes.
Students have a news article due this week on whatever day they have their science class.
Students have a news article due this week on whatever day they have their science class.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Practicing Ohm's Law
Students were given 10 more problems to practice Ohm's Law- five problems solved for resistance, while the other five solved for voltage. Students volunteered to write the solutions to those problems on the board for extra credit. We then ended class with a 20-minute clip from Mythbusters that explored the validity of Ben Franklin's famous key-on-a-kite experiment.
News article #28 is due next week.
PSSA reading and math exams are all next week.
Next Tuesday through Friday are Act 80 half-days.
News article #28 is due next week.
PSSA reading and math exams are all next week.
Next Tuesday through Friday are Act 80 half-days.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Electric Power
We discussed how to calculate electric power, given current and voltage (Section 8-4 notes). Students completed page 8-2 (# 1-5 only) and 8-3 with their partners and we reviewed the solutions on the board. We ended class with a Mythbusters clip that explored the dangers or talking on the phone or showering during a lightning storm.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Ohm's Law
Today we began class by reviewing one of yesterday's topics, subatomic particles, on worksheet 8-1. We then discussed the formation of lightning and the design and purpose of lightning rods before beginning our analysis of Ohm's Law. Ohm's law relates current, voltage and resistance, and students learned how to calculate each one of those three when given the other two. Students completed pages 8-5 & 8-6 with their partner, and the solutions to those problems were placed on the board.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Static Electricity
Today we began our short post-Easter-break week by reviewing our 27th week of news articles. Students then received their chapter 8 packets on electricity. We reviewed section 8-1 and 8-2 notes on subatomic particles and static electricity. I demonstrated the conductivity of different materials using a Van de Graff generator, a machine that produces a constant static electric charge. In periods 2 & 3, we had enough time to watch the video on static electricity, but we ran out of time in periods 5, 6 & 7.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Review PSSA Science exam
Today in class I collected the lab reports for the online energy lab. Students had one week to complete the report. Students were then given their graded PSSA practice exams for the purpose of reviewing the testing format and content.
News article #27 is due on Tuesday, April 6th.
News article #27 is due on Tuesday, April 6th.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Chapter 11 Notebook Check
Today in class we went over yesterday's test on chapter 11. Overall, students did very well, although most seem to struggle on the combustion engine questions. Following our review of the test, students worked on completing their online energy lab while an episode of mythbusters was played on the big screen. During that time, I called students up individually to check their chapter 11 notebooks.
The online energy lab is due tomorrow.
The online energy lab is due tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Chapter 11 Test
Today in class students took the chapter 11 test using my moodle site. After completing the test, students had the rest of the period to work on the online energy lab.
The chapter 11 notebook check is tomorrow.
The chapter 11 notebook check is tomorrow.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Complete Chapter 11
Today, after summarizing our 26th week of news articles, our mission was to complete the Chapter 11 activity packet. To that end, students were assigned pages 1 & 17, which they could complete while working with a partner. Any remaining time after reviewing these pages was used to work on the online energy lab.
The chapter 11 test is tomorrow, and notebook check will be Wednesday.
The chapter 11 test is tomorrow, and notebook check will be Wednesday.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Online Energy Lab- Day 2
Today I was in State College for the PIAA basketball championships. In my absence, Ms. Shadle continued to lead the students through their investigation into kinetic energy.
News articles are due on Monday, and the Chapter 11 Test is on Tuesday.
News articles are due on Monday, and the Chapter 11 Test is on Tuesday.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Online Energy Lab
Today students began their investigation into kinetic energy using our online energy lab. Students will relate mass, velocity and kinetic energy in three separate activities during this online lab.
News articles are due on Monday and the chapter 11 test will be on Tuesday.
News articles are due on Monday and the chapter 11 test will be on Tuesday.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Today we talked about Albert Einstein's famous Theory of Relativity, E = mc2. We also talked about the Law of Conservation of Energy to close out section 11-4 notes. Students then were assigned pages 11-4 and 11-9 to work on during class with their partner. Students put the solution to those problems on the board.
No homework was assigned, and the chapter 11 test is on Tuesday.
No homework was assigned, and the chapter 11 test is on Tuesday.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Calculating Kinetic and Potential Energy
We discussed section 11-3 notes today, which included the difference between internal and external combustion engines. The difference is the location of where the fuel is processed. Students then worked with their partner to complete pages 11-5, 11-11 & 11-10.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 11 test will be on Tuesday, March 31st.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 11 test will be on Tuesday, March 31st.
Monday, March 22, 2010
K.E. vs P.E.
After listening to some summaries from our 25th week of news articles, we continued our differentiation of kinetic and potential energy. We watched a video on both types and took the video quiz using the student responders. I demonstrated the motion of a pendulum so that the class could complete worksheet 11-16. We then finished by completing activity 11-6 together. Any remaining time was used to show clips from the Discovery original series, "LIFE".
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Kinetic vs Potential Energy
Today we reviewed yesterday's assignment from page 11-2 & 11-3. Students had to identify the energy conversion that took place on different machines. We discussed section 11-2 notes on potential and kinetic energy. Following the discussion, students performed a quick mini-lab from page 11-12 that analyzed the difference in rebound of a tennis ball dropped from 50 & 100 cm. We culminated the class by going outside on this beautiful day to do worksheet 11-7 which asks students to identify all the things that have kinetic energy in 2 minutes that they see outside. We repeated that procedure with potential energy and then compared the two lists.
News article # 25 is due on Monday.
News article # 25 is due on Monday.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Energy Chapter
Today we began our chapter on energy. Students were given a new packet and we discussed section 11-1 notes. We watched a video on energy before we began the day's assignment. Students worked with their partner to complete pages 11-2 & 11-3, which focused on identifying energy conversions.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
PSSA Science practice exam
Today in class students got a small taste of what the PSSA Science Exam will be like. Students were given a 61-item multiple choice exam (which didn't count towards their grade) so that they have some experience with the PSSA format once the real test is here.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Chapter 7 Notebook Check
Today in class students presented their summaries for our 24th week of news articles. Following those oral summaries, students had their Chapter 7 notebooks checked for 100 points, during which time they watched the "Viral Videos" episode of Mythbusters.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Online Simple Machines Lab Check
Today in class students received a score for their 8-day online lab about simple machines. During the time that their lab reports were checked, students watched a Mythbusters episode that tested the validity that swimming in syrup was as easy as swimming in water due to its increased viscosity.
News articles are due tomorrow, as are the Chapter 7 packets.
News articles are due tomorrow, as are the Chapter 7 packets.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Chapter 7 Test
Today students took the assessment for Chapter 7 on the Moodle site. Students were able to see their grades after the test and analyze which items they got wrong.
The online lab packet is due on Monday for 115 points.
The online lab packet is due on Monday for 115 points.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Chapter 7 Test Eve
Today in class students completed their Chapter 7 packets (pages 8, 9, 10, 18, 19 & 20). They were allowed to work with a partner or in small groups to complete the day's assignment. At the end of class, we reviewed most of the answers. The only pages whose answers we did not cover were pages 19 & 20, the two crossword puzzles.
No homework was assigned and the Chapter 7 test is tomorrow.
No homework was assigned and the Chapter 7 test is tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Simple Machines Notes
Today in class we formally discussed section 7-5, 7-6 & 7-7 notes on simple machines and the mechanical advantage of simple machines. We watched videos on the simple machines before doing pages 15-11, 12, 15, 16 & 17 together in class.
No homework was assigned, and the chapter 7 test is Friday.
No homework was assigned, and the chapter 7 test is Friday.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Final Day for Pulley Lab
Every student was able to funish the pulley lab before the end of today's class. We discussed the lab and the results and meanings from each section after everyone was done. Students also had some time afterwards to work on their online lab and their chapter 7 packets.
No homework was assigned and the test will be on Friday.
No homework was assigned and the test will be on Friday.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Pulley Lab, Day 2
After reviewing our 24th news article summaries, students continued working on the science portion of their thematic unit, the pulley lab. Most students completed the single-fixed pulley aspect of the lab and were well into the block and tackle (or 2-pulley) system before the bell rang. Student have tomorrow's classtime to complete this lab, or they will need to come in before or after school.
No homework was assigned, and the test on Chapter 7 will be this Friday.
No homework was assigned, and the test on Chapter 7 will be this Friday.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Pulley Lab
Today began the first day of our 3-day pulley lab. It also marked the beginning of our thematic unit on simple machines. Students will analyze the difference between a single and multiple pulley system.
News articles are due on Monday, and the Chapter 7 test will be on Friday, March 12th.
News articles are due on Monday, and the Chapter 7 test will be on Friday, March 12th.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Online Lab- Simple Machines, Day 8
Today was the students final day to work on the online lab in class. About half of all students were able to complete the lab within the 8 days alotted in class. Those that did not finish have until Tuesday, March 16th, to complete the 23-page lab. Our plan for the near future is we will begin our thematic unit tomorrow with a 3-day pulley lab. That should take us to Wednesday, at which time we will probably need two days to finish Chapter 7. That would put the chapter test either Friday, March 12th or Monday, March 15th.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Online Lab- Simple Machines, Day 7
Students continued to work on the online lab working with simple and compound machines. About 4-5 students from each class have completed the entire lab, while other students are only up to page 12 (out of 23). Students have been informed that tomorrow will be the last day to work on the lab in class. After that, they are on their own to complete it.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Online Lab- Simple Machines, Day 6
I'm Baaaaaaaaaack!!! Today was my first day of school since February 19th. I was glad to be back and ready to dive back into science. Students continued their progress in the online lab. I told them that this Thursday, March 4th, would be the final day that we would work in class on the lab. After that, students are on their own to complete it before/after school or during study hall, or they may take it home to complete. It must be completed by Friday, March 12th, the day after the test.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Online Lab- Simple Machines, Day 5
Today was the fifth day for the online lab, the fourth in a row with Mrs. Lepley substituting in my place. I am very anxious to get back to my classroom tomorrow and return to some sense of normalcy.
News articles are due tomorrow, and the Chapter 7 test will be on Thursday, March 11th (tentatively, no sooner).
News articles are due tomorrow, and the Chapter 7 test will be on Thursday, March 11th (tentatively, no sooner).
Friday, February 26, 2010
4th Snow Day
I am REALLY starting to miss my classroom. I was out for three days in Hershey followed by two straight snow days- PLUS I'm out this coming Monday and Thursday to be with my wife who is having surgery. Thank goodness Mrs. Lepley has been in for me all this week and will be next week, as well. Students will continue their online lab on simple and complex machines when they return on Monday.
News articles are due on Tuesday.
News articles are due on Tuesday.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
3rd Snow Day
Wow, can you believe it? I'm in Hershey the first three days this week, then Mother Nature must have felt that I needed an extra day to recover from chocolate withdrawl so school was cancelled today. Hopefully the roads will be clear enough tomorrow to return to my class.
No homework was assigned, but news articles will be due on Tuesday, March 2nd.
No homework was assigned, but news articles will be due on Tuesday, March 2nd.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Online Lab- Simple Machines, Day 4
Today was the students' third and final day without me doing the online lab on simple machines. Most students seem to have started the second part of the lab involving inclined planes and pulleys. I will be back in the classroom tomorrow- that is unless Mother Nature has another plan in mind.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Online Lab- Simple Machines, Day 3
Students continue to progress through the online lab about simple and complex machines. By all accounts they have done incredibly well w/o me.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Online Lab- Simple Machines, Day 2
Today students worked on their online lab about simple and complex machines. They did this while I was nearly 100 miles south in Hershey, PA for a conference on educational technology. We incorporated the chat room and discussion forum to help answer many of the students' questions.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Online Lab- Simple Machines, Day 1
Today we began our third online lab using ASPIRE software. This lab inspects the usefullness of simple and complex machines. I will be at a conference in Hershey, PA this coming Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Lepley will be the substitute teacher during that time, and students will be expected to continue to progress through the lab as if I was there.
No news articles are due this next week.
If you need to contact me while I am away, email me at
No news articles are due this next week.
If you need to contact me while I am away, email me at
Thursday, February 18, 2010
2 Tough Problems
Students got back their quizzes on work and power today. We reviewed the solutions to the eight problems before moving on to our in-class assignment: page 15-9, # 5 & 6. I forewarned students that #6 would easily be the toughest problem that they would encounter all year. With a little encouragement, most students were up to the task.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Inclined Plane Lab
Today in class students worked in groups of three or four to perform the lab on pages 15-13 & 15-14. They inspeced the difference between the ideal and actual mechanical advantage of using an inclined plane.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Mechanical Advantage & Efficiency
Today in class we listened to the summaries of the 21st week of news articles. We then discussed section 7-3 & 7-4 notes on work output, work input, mechanical advantage and mechanical efficiency. Students then worked on problems 1 & 2 on page 15-8 with their partner. We showed the solution to those problems on the board.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Work & Power Quiz
Sorry, but I forgot to blog it out yesterday. Students took the work & power quiz yesterday and did EXTREMELY WELL.
News articles are due on Tuesday.
News articles are due on Tuesday.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Final review of work & power
Today in class students were assigned pages 15-5 & 15-6, which contained 10 problems that practiced solving for work and power. We reviewed the solutions for those problems on the board for all to see.
The quiz on this topic will be on Monday, and news articles are due on Tuesday.
The quiz on this topic will be on Monday, and news articles are due on Tuesday.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
That's alot of snow!!!
Following yesterday's cancellation and today's 2-hour delay, it was back to, science. Since we only had 31-minute classes, we only had time to review the word problems using work and power. Students complete pages 15-3 & 15-4 in class and put the solutions to those problems on the board.
No homework was assigned, and the Work & Power quiz will be on Monday.
No homework was assigned, and the Work & Power quiz will be on Monday.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Stairway to Power
Today we performed the lab on page 15-7. Students were timed to see how long it took them to walk and then run up a measured flight of steps. From there they were able to calculate the work that they did and the power that they showed in both walking and running. We compared their rates against those of their classmates and students from past years.
There was no written homework assigned, but I did encourage students to help older citizens shovel out of tomorrow's pending snowstorm. If there is no school tomorrow, the quiz will be moved back to Monday, February 15th.
There was no written homework assigned, but I did encourage students to help older citizens shovel out of tomorrow's pending snowstorm. If there is no school tomorrow, the quiz will be moved back to Monday, February 15th.
Monday, February 8, 2010
I've got the Power
After reviewing the summaries of our 20th news article week, I introduced the topic of power as it relates to physical science (P=W/t). Section 7-2 notes were presented and a video was watched, followed by the interactive quiz. Students were then assigned worksheet 5-2 in class, and the answers were reviewed on the whiteboard.
No homework was assigned. The work & power quiz will be this Friday.
No homework was assigned. The work & power quiz will be this Friday.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Time to get to WORK
Work was the theme of the day. We began Chapter 7 by discussing what work means in the physical science sense of the word. Work is the product of force times distance, and students determined the amount of work done in several word problems. This spanned section 7-1 notes and worksheet 15-1, as well as problem #'s 1, 2, 4 & 5 on worksheet 15-3.
News article #20 is due on Monday. A quiz on this topic will be on Friday, February 12th.
News article #20 is due on Monday. A quiz on this topic will be on Friday, February 12th.
Sorry this post is a day late. Yesterday in class, students had a substitute teacher. They watched an episode of ABC News' "Stossel in the Classroom" series. Students wrote down their reaction to the different segments, ranging from alternate energy sources, digital media, etc.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Chapter 6 Notebook Check
Today we reviewed the Chapter 6 test and had our notebook check. Students watched a Mythbusters episode that inspected the rumor of a penny dropped from the top of the Empire State could really injure someone on the sidewalk below. The second myth was about reaching terminal velocity while skydiving. Both of these video segments were great reinforcements for topics that we covered in Chapter 6.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Chapter 6 Test
Today students took the Chapter 6 test on the laptops using Moodle. Chapter 6 included topics such as balanced and unbalanced forces, friction, Newton's Laws of Motion, projectiles, mass vs weight and gravity.
The notebook check will be tomorrow.
The notebook check will be tomorrow.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Chapter 6 Test Eve
Twas the day before the chapter 6 test when all through the class, not a creature was stirring except for the 85+ students that forgot to study over the weekend for tomorrow's BIG science test. Hopefully they will do so tonight. Today in class we reviewed the summaries of our 19th week of news articles. Students were then assigned page 6-9, in which they had to calculate the distance traveled of a free-falling object. Students were also assigned pages 6-12 and 6-13, which is a vocab review for chapter 6.
The only homework is to study for tomorrow's test. Notebook check will be Wednesday.
The only homework is to study for tomorrow's test. Notebook check will be Wednesday.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Weight vs Mass
Today we concluded chapter 6 notes by discussing section 6-5, the difference between mass and weight. Students figured out their mass in kilograms, and they used that mass to calculate their weight on Earth, moon, Mars and Jupiter (page 6-5). We also reviewed the problems from worksheet 6-8 from yesterday on the board. We ended class by completing the vocab review page on 6-11.
News article # 19 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 6 test is on Tuesday.
News article # 19 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 6 test is on Tuesday.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Gravity & Projectiles
We began our review of section 6-4 notes by discussing Sir Isaac Newton and his contribution to the study of gravity. We described how gravity effects the motion of a projectile, like a football or soccer ball that is kicked into the air. We watched a video on Gravity and took the interactive quiz that followed. Students worked with their partner to complete pages 6-7 & 6-8.
No homework was assigned and the test is on Tuesday, February 2nd.
No homework was assigned and the test is on Tuesday, February 2nd.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Newton's Laws of Motion
Today students got back their Force Quizzes, and the average score was a 97%. How awesome is that??? After we reviewed the quiz problems on the board, we discussed section 6-3 notes on Newton's 3 Laws of Motion. I played a movie on Newton's Laws of Motion, followed by the 10-question quiz. We reinforced the lesson by completing activity 6-10 and finishing the bottom of page 6-6, which we started on Monday.
There was no homework assigned and the Chapter 6 Test is on Tuesday, February 2nd.
There was no homework assigned and the Chapter 6 Test is on Tuesday, February 2nd.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Force Quiz
Students did very well on today's quiz, which related force, mass and accleration (Newton's 2nd Law of Motion). Following the quiz, students spent the remainder of class time completing the worksheets that concluded our online speed & gravity lab.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 6 test is next Tuesday, February 2nd.
No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 6 test is next Tuesday, February 2nd.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Force Quiz Prep
After reviewing the summaries from our 18th week of news articles, students went to the board to display their answers from page 6-3 & 6-4. Students were then assigned activity 6-6 in class, and we had enough time to put the answers to the first five problems from that page on the board.
The Force Quiz is tomorrow, and I also asked students to bring with them the lab sheets from the online lab we did last week so that they can complete the conclusion questions.
The Force Quiz is tomorrow, and I also asked students to bring with them the lab sheets from the online lab we did last week so that they can complete the conclusion questions.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Force, mass and acceleration
Today was Beatles Friday. After reviewing the problems on the board from yesterday's class, I played some classic Beatles tunes while students worked with their partner to complete pages 6-3 & 6-4. Just about every student got all the work done, and a good time was had by all.
News article #18 is due on Monday, and the quiz will be on Tuesday.
News article #18 is due on Monday, and the quiz will be on Tuesday.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Today we introduced the concept of friction and described the three differing types: sliding, rolling and fluid. I demonstrated to the kids in the hallway using a hovercraft how a small pocket of air acts as a lubricant and changed the sliding friction into fluid friction. I also introduced Newton's 2nd Law of Motion, F=ma. This is the foundation for next week's quiz. We watched a video on force, and students used the student responders to answer the ensuing quiz. I ended class by assigning worksheet 6-2, and most students completed that assignment while working with a partner.
No homework was assigned, and the Force Quiz will be next Tuesday, January 26th. News articles are due on Monday.
No homework was assigned, and the Force Quiz will be next Tuesday, January 26th. News articles are due on Monday.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Balanced vs. Unbalanced Forces
Today we began Chapter 6 on Forces. Section 6-1 notes were on the diffence between balanced and unbalanced forces. We completed worksheet 6-1 together before watching our first Bill Nye the Science Guy video on Balanced Forces.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Prepare to Luge
Today was the second day of our online lab relating speed, distance and time. We started by reviewing the answers from yesterday's lab on pages 2 and 3. I demonstrated and described the correct way to collect and record the sets of data for this new lab assignment whose theme was Olympic luging. Students sought the difference in speed if the luge was run on different planets due to differing gravitaional forces.
Any work that was not completed in class will be done on the students' own time.
No homework was assigned.
Any work that was not completed in class will be done on the students' own time.
No homework was assigned.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Snowmobile Race
After reviewing our 17th week of news articles, students began an online lab that involved students predicting the results of a snowmobile race based on the distance and time traveled in exhibition runs. Students compared their predictions then to actual results.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Chapter 5 Notebook Check
Today in class students had their notebooks checked for 75 points. During this time we watched Mythbusters "See-Saw" episode. We also reviewed the test.
News articles are due on Monday, and that is the last grade of the 2nd marking period.
News articles are due on Monday, and that is the last grade of the 2nd marking period.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Chapter 5 Test
Students took the Chapter 5 test today on the Moodle site using the laptops. Most students did very well on it.
The notebook check is tomorrow, and news articles are due Monday. Monday's news article will be the last grade of the marking period.
The notebook check is tomorrow, and news articles are due Monday. Monday's news article will be the last grade of the marking period.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Final Review for Chapter 5
Today in class students completed pages 5-13, 14 and 15, which included two graphs. We put the solutions to these problems on the board to verify results. Students were also given a vocabulary crossword puzzle to be used as a study guide.
The only assigned homework is to study for tomorrow's chapter 5 test.
The only assigned homework is to study for tomorrow's chapter 5 test.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Graphing to the extreme
Today in class students worked together to complete page 5-8. I then previewed the test with students by giving them a couple of sample graphs that will assist them in studying for Thursday's test. Finally, students worked with their partners to begin pages 5-13, 14 & 15.
No homework was assigned other than to study for Thursday's test.
No homework was assigned other than to study for Thursday's test.
Monday, January 11, 2010
After reviewing our 16th edition of news article summaries, we discussed section 5-4 notes on Momentum. Students got to demonstrate how momentum worked when I had two students riding on rollered platforms collide in the hallway. Students calculated momentum on page 5-12.
No homework was assigned, and the test is still on Thursday, January 14th.
No homework was assigned, and the test is still on Thursday, January 14th.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Acceleration Graph
Today in class, students completed the acceleration lab that involved timing a marble rolling down a ramp. Students created the graph on page 5-11 based on yesterday's data and created an online graph, as well. That graph was then uploaded into the students' science wiki page.
News article #16 is due on Monday. The chapter 5 test will be on Thursday, January 14th.
News article #16 is due on Monday. The chapter 5 test will be on Thursday, January 14th.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Marble Ramp Lab
Today in class students worked in groups of 3 or 4 to do the lab on page 5-9, 10 & 11. The lab instructed students to roll a steel marble down a ramp made of meter sticks taped together. They had to record the time it took the marble to roll down set distances in order to calculate the speed. The final part of the lab is to construct a line graph of the collected data.
No homework was assigned, and the test is Thursday, January 14th.
No homework was assigned, and the test is Thursday, January 14th.
Comparing Accelerations
Today in class we completed worksheet 5-6 together, and then students worked in pairs to complete page 5-7. We put all 10 problems from that page on the board for extra credit.
No homework was assigned, and the test is on Thursday, January 14th.
No homework was assigned, and the test is on Thursday, January 14th.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Accleration & Graphs
Today I discussed in detail how to interpret the slope of a graph when comparing distance vs time, and speed vs time. Students had about 10 minutes to complete worksheet 5-3 before we reviewed the problems on the board. Finally, students had the remainder of class to complete the last three problems (# 5-7) on page 5-2. We also put those problems on the board.
No homework was assigned. The Chapter 5 test will be on Thursday, January 14th.
No homework was assigned. The Chapter 5 test will be on Thursday, January 14th.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Welcome back, students. Today in class we discussed the slope of a graph and how it helps to identify the relative speed of an object (section 5-2 notes). We then discussed what acceleration is and how it is calculated (section 5-3 notes). helped students to better understand the concept of acceleration before they were off on their own to work on page 5-4.
No homework was assigned.
No homework was assigned.
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