Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 77


Today was the last day before holiday break, and we only had flex and period 1, so no core classes.

No homework was assigned. Have a nice Christmas.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 76

(IWB - Day 76 Christmas Pictionary)

As the last day of class before the holiday break, each class used the IWB to play Christmas pictionary.

No homework was assigned, and the Force quiz will be on Friday, January 11th.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 75

(IWB - Day 75 Chapter 5 Notebook Check)

Students had their Chapter 5 notebooks checked today for 75 points.  During that time, we watched a mythbusters episode on a super-sized Newton Cradle.

No homework was assigned, and the Force Quiz isn't until mid-January.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 74

(IWB - Day 74 Chapter 5 Test)

Students had shortened periods today due to a PM assembly to watch "A Christmas Carol".  They took the Chapter 5 test using Moodle in the computer lab.

The chapter 5 notebook check will be tomorrow, and the next quiz won't be until mid-January.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 73

(IWB - Day 73 Chapter 5 Jeopardy)

Students turned in their week #16 science news articles.  We played Jeopardy to review for tomorrow's Chapter 5 test.  Students had the remaining 15 minutes of class to work on completing their notebooks for Wednesday's 75-point notebook check.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 5 test will be tomorrow.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 72

(IWB - Day 72 Momentum)

Today we finished off Chapter 5 notes by discussing momentum.  We went out in the hallway to demonstrate how objects with the same mass but different speeds have different momentum.  We also learned that objects traveling at the same speed but with different masses have different momentum.  Students worked on five momentum problems on page 5-12 and volunteers went to the board to show the correct solutions to those problems.  We ended class with students completing the crossword review puzzle on page 5-17.

News article #16 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 5 test will be on Tuesday, December 18th.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 71

(IWB - Day 71 Marble Ramp Lab 2)

Students used their data from Tuesday's lab to create a speed-time line graph.  They used their line to answer the conclusion questions on page 5-10.  Students then worked in their groups to complete worksheet 5-7, which had nine problems for finding acceleration.  After going over those answers, we completed worksheet 5-8 together.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 5 test will be on Tuesday, December 18th.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 70

Carol Kirol, the district's dental hygenist, was in today as a guest speaker in my classes. 

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 5 test will be on Tuesday, December 18th.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 69

(IWB - Day 69 Marble Ramp Lab)

Students used worksheets 5-9 & 5-10 to work through today's lab.  They were tasked with timing how long it took a marble to roll different distances down a ramp.  They used their distances and times to calculate the speed for each trial.  Each trial was done a minimum of 5 times and recording the average time.  The graph will be done on Thursday.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 5 test will be on Tuesday, December 18th.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 68

(IWB - Day 68 Speed Graphs)

Students turned in their 15th week of science news articles.  We discussed section 5-2 notes on slope of a graph, and I referred students to the graph sample pages in their notes.  I told them that 11 of their 25 test questions will be on reading and interpreting speed-time and distance-time graphs.  Finally, students worked on worksheet 5-3 (# 5, 6 & 7), and we went over the solutions before the end of class.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 5 test will be on Tuesday, December 18th.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Day 67

(IWB - Day 67 Intro to Acceleration)

We had shortened periods today due to an afternoon assembly to watch "The Mighty".  Each class was 28 minutes long, which was just enough time to go over section 5-3 notes on acceleration, and complete worksheet 5-4 together.

News article #15 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 5 test will be on Tuesday, December 18th.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 66

(IWB - Day 66 Review Speed Quiz)

Students were given back their Speed Quiz today and we went over all eight problems together.  Students were then assigned page 5-3 #1-4 only, and we went over the solutions to those problems, as well as the answers to page 5-13 #1-8.  With what time was left over, we watched the final holiday myth on Mythbusters or whether or not a wet tongue will stick to a frozen pole.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 5 test will be on Tuesday, December 18th.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 65

(IWB - Day 65 Speed Hallway Lab)

Students were given a double-sided handout today that was the foundation of our lab.  Students worked with their partners in the hallway by the guidance office.  They timed each other on how long it took them to hop, walk, speed walk and walk backwards a distance of 5 & 10 meters.  Once we collected all the data, students returned to the classroom to determine their speeds for each exercise.  We also used the backside of the lab to extrapolate some answers based on their calculated speeds.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 5 test will be on Tuesday, December 18th.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 64

(IWB - Day 64 - Speed Quiz)

Students took the 8-problem speed quiz in class today worth 40 points.  Once everyone finished, we watched an episode of Mythbusters about Christmas tree light myths.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 5 test will be on Tuesday, December 18th.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 63

(IWB - Day 63 Speed Practice Quiz)

Students submitted their Week #14 science news articles, and then used worksheet 5-16 as a practice quiz.  Students volunteered to put the solutions to those problems on the board once everyone was done.  We then worked on problems 1-8 from worksheet 5-13 until the bell rang.

No homework was assigned, and the Speed Quiz will be tomorrow.