Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 155

(IWB - Day 155 Slinky Lab)

We began class by going over the four assigned pages from yesterday (9-2, 9-3, 9-4 & 9-5).  We watched a www.brainpop.com movie on Waves and took the quiz that went with it.  Students had the remaining 15 minutes of class to complete the Slinky Lab from pages 9-7 & 9-8, using the rubric to help them evaluate their drawings and sentences.

The Slinky Lab report is due by the end of tomorrow's class, and the Chapter 9 test will be on Monday, May 6th.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 154

(IWB - Day 154 Wave Speed)

Today students presented their 31st week of science news articles.  We discussed section 9-2 notes on speed, frequency, amplitude and wavelength of waves.  Students were assigned worksheets 9-2, 9-3, 9-4 and 9-5 to be completed within their groups before the end of the period.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 9 test will be on Monday, May 6th.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 153

(IWB- Day 153 Intro to Waves)
I handed out the new packets for Chapter 9 on Waves. I used an IWB flipchart to discuss section 9-1 notes on the types and general properties of waves. The flipchart included a few outside weblinks to simulations of waves. I used the long spring to demonstrate the transverse and longitudinal waves. Students worked in their groups to complete worksheet 9-1 before we went over the answers towards the end of class.

News article #32 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 9 test will be on Monday, May 6th.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 152

(IWB - Day 152 Chapter 11 Notebook Check)

Students had their notebooks checked today for 60 points.  During that time we watched the "No Pain, No Gain" episode of Mythbusters.

No homework was assigned, and the next chapter test (Chapter 9) will be on Monday, May 6th.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 151

(IWB - Day 151 Chapter 11 Test)

Students were in the computer lab today to take the Chapter 11 test.  They had enough time to get their news articles done for next week.

The notebook check will be tomorrow, and the next test will be on Monday, May 6th.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 150

(IWB - Day 150 Chapter 11 Review)

Students took both parts of their science PSSA exams today, which left us with only 27 minutes for each of the core classes.  During that time, we played Jeopardy to review for tomorrow's chapter 11 test.  I also handed back yesterday's news articles and the online energy lab.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 11 test is tomorrow.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 149

(IWB - Day 149 Finish Chap 11 Packet)

As always, students had the opportunity to present their news articles today (#31) for extra credit.  Students were then assigned worksheets 11-1 & 11-17 to complete before the end of class.  Both pages were reviews of key terms and concepts from this chapter.  We went over the answers before the end of class.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 148

(IWB - Day 147 Heat Engines)

We discussed section 11-3 notes on heat engines and energy conversions.  Using the flipchart, I showed video clips of internal and external combustion engines, as well as a clip of the Phoenix roller coaster to visualize potential to kinetic conversions.  We completed worksheet 11-16 together using a pendulum demonstration, and we completed worksheet 11-11 together to identify the greater influence on kinetic energy, mass or velocity.  Students were then assigned worksheet 11-9 to complete within their groups.  We went over those answers and the ones from yesterday before the end of the period.

News article #31 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 11 Test will be on Wednesday, April 24th.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 147

(IWB - Day 148 E=mc2)

Today is supposed to be a better weather day than tomorrow, so we did tomorrow's lesson today.  It called for us to be outside to complete worksheet 11-7, identifying objects that have kinetic and/or potential energy.  We then completed worksheet 11-5 together, identifying energy conversions.  I discussed section 11-4 notes on Law of Conservation of Energy and Einstein's Theory of Relativity.  We ended class by students working in their groups to complete worksheet 11-10 and 11-9 (#5 only on page 11-9).

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday, April 24th.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 146

(IWB - Day 146 Kinetic Energy)

Today we learned about Potential Energy's fraternal twin, Kinetic Energy.  We discussed section 11-2 notes and watched a www.brainpop.com movie on Kinetic energy before taking the quiz on that topic.  We completed worksheets 11-4 and 11-6 in class (11-4 needed a calculator).

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday, April 24th.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 145

(IWB - Day 145 Potential Energy)

We took the first 10-15 minutes of class to complete worksheets 2 & 3 from yesterday's lesson.  We discussed section 11-2 notes on Potential Energy only, and viewed a brief clip of the famous space jump to demonstrate potential energy.  Students watched a www.brainpop.com video and took the quiz on Potential Energy.  We ended class by completing the small lab exercise on page 11-12, dropping a tennis ball from different heights to compare potential energies.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday, April 24th.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 144

(IWB - Day 144 Forms of Energy)

I collected the Online Energy Lab that students have had the past two weeks to complete.  Students also had the opportunity to present their week #30 science news articles for extra credit.  After I collected the articles, students were given their new packets for Chapter 11 on energy, and we discussed section 11-1 notes on forms of energy.  We watched a www.brainpop.com video on Forms of Energy and took the quiz thereafter.  Students were assigned worksheets 11-2 & 11-3 within their groups, where they had to identify the type of energy conversion that was taking place.  We will finish this assignment in class tomorrow.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday, April 24th.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 143

(IWB - Day 143 Last PSSA Day 5)

Today concluded our week of PSSA math and reading exams.  Students did not meet with any of their core classes today, but instead took their final PSSA reading exam and were treated to a movie in the auditorium along with the 7th grade for their efforts this week.

News article #30 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday, April 24th.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 142

(IWB - Day 142 Finish Online Energy Lab, PSSA 4)

Today was the third day of PSSA's and the last day of the online energy lab. After students presented their week #29 news articles, they had the remaining time to finish their online lab. (*today we only met with our period 3, 5 & 6 classes due to an altered schedule for PSSA's)

No homework was assigned and the Chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday, April 24th.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 141

(IWB - Day 141 Finish Online Energy Lab, PSSA 3)

Today was the third day of PSSA's and the last day of the online energy lab. After students presented their week #29 news articles, they had the remaining time to finish their online lab. (*today we only met with our period 3, 5 & 6 classes due to an altered schedule for PSSA's)

No homework was assigned and the Chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday, April 24th.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 140

(IWB - Day 140 Finish Online Energy Lab)

Today was the second day of PSSA's and the last day of the online energy lab.  After students presented their week #29 news articles, they had the remaining time to finish their online lab.  (*today we only met with our period 2 class due to an altered schedule for PSSA's)

No homework was assigned and the Chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday, April 24th.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 139

(IWB - Day 139 PSSA M&R 1)

I did not meet with any of my classes today, as students took the first two PSSA exams.  We were in the auditorium to end the day with a celebratory movie.

News article #29 is due this week, and the Chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday, April 24th.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 138

(IWB - Day 138 Online Energy Lab 3)

I distributed a copy of next week's PSSA schedule to every student and went over each day's agenda.  I demonstrated the procedure for part three of the online energy lab, including calculating the speed in column three of page 10.

News article #28 is due next week, and the Chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday, April 24th.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 137

(IWB - Day 137 Online Energy Lab 2)

Most students completed Part 2 of the online energy lab today.  That had to take their data from pages 5 & 6 and use the create-a-graph website to make two line graphs that showed the relationship between mass, speed and kinetic energy.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday, April 24th.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 136

(IWB - Day 136 Online Energy Lab 1)

Today officially began the fourth quarter, and students had the usual opportunity to present their week #27 science news articles for extra credit.  They then worked with their partner on the online energy lab, accessible through Moodle.  They were given a packet for this lab to record their data.  Most students got though with section one today, which was the end of page 3 in the packet.

No homework was assigned and the Chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday, April 24th.