Thursday, October 29, 2015

Day 41

Today was the fourth day that students had to work on their Farcebook poster.  They can hand them in at the end of tomorrow's class to receive 5 points extra credit, or else they are due at the beginning of Monday's class for regular credit.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 3 test will be on Wednesday, December 2nd.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Day 40

Students continued to work on their Farcebook project.  Some of them were ready for their poster board.

The completed poster is due on Monday, November 2nd, and the Chapter 3 test will be on Wednesday, December 2nd.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Day 39

Students continued to work on their Farcebook research project.

The finished posters are due on Monday, November 2nd, and the chapter 3 test will be on Wednesday, December 2nd.

Day 38

Students turned in their week #8 science news articles.  We began the FarceBook project, where students had to create a fake facebook profile page for a famous scientist or inventor.  They will be working on this all week.

The poster is due on Monday, November 2nd, and the next test on Chapter 3 is on Wednesday, December 2nd.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Day 37

Students turned in their chapter 2 notebooks today for 60 points.  During that time, we watched a Mythbusters episode about zombies, in honor of Halloween.

News article #8 is due on Monday, and the Chapter 3 test will be on Wednesday, December 2nd.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Day 36

Students took their Chapter 2 test on Moodle today.  They had the rest of the period to either work on their chapter 2 notebook check, their online gas lab, or get a news article for next Monday.

The chapter 2 notebook check will be tomorrow, and their Chapter 3 test will be on December 1st or 2nd.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Day 35

We played Jeopardy today to review for tomorrow's test.

The notebook check will be on Friday, and the chapter 2 test is tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Day 34

Students turned in their 7th science news article today.  During the remainder of class, students worked on their online lab, with the goal being to complete the lab by the end of the period.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test will be on Thursday, October 22nd.

Day 33

Mr. Kuriga was in for me today.  Students continued to work on their online gas particles lab.  Their goal for the day was to be at the bottom of Page "I" by the end of the period.

News article #7 is due on Tuesday, and the Chapter 2 test will be on Thursday, October 22nd.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Day 32

Today was the third day that students worked on the online gas particles lab.  Their goal for the end of the period was to be done through the bottom of page "G".  I also asked them to create a 3-line graph using the data they collected on pages F & G, and label the third columns P/T to solve that calculation.

News article #7 is due on Tuesday and the Chapter 2 test will be on Thursday, October 22nd.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Day 31

We continued with our 2nd day of the online gas particles lab.  Students took the data they gathered in yesterday's class and used it to create a double line graph using the create-a-graph link on Moodle.  They then had to use the third column on page C and label it PxV and calculate the products for both tables.  The goal was to be completely done with page D by the end of the period.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test will be on Thursday, October 22nd.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Day 30

Students were given a new packet today for the online gas particles lab we began.  Their goal for the period was to be right in the middle of page D.

No homework was assigned, and the chapter 2 test will be on Thursday, October 22nd.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Day 29

Students turned in their week #6 science news article and had the opportunity to summarize it out loud for extra credit, as usual.  We then worked in groups to complete the lab on pages 2-8 and 2-9, which explored the relationship between the temperature and pressure of gasses.  When done, students ended class by completing worksheet 2-5 with their partner.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test will be on Thursday, October 22nd.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Day 28

We discussed section 2-3 notes on physical and chemical changes in matter.  Students watched a video on Property Changes and took the quiz afterwards.  We ended class by students completing worksheet 2-3 and 2-4 within their groups.  We went over the answers before the bell rang.

News article #6 is due on Tuesday, and the chapter 2 test will be on Thursday, October 22nd.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day 27

We reviewed the five different phase changes in matter.  Students work in their groups to complete worksheet 2-2 together for 5 minutes before we went over the answers.  We then focused our attention on worksheet 2-12, which had a similar graph.  Students had the remainder of the period to complete this activity within their group.

No homework was assigned, and the chapter 2 test will be on Thursday, October 22nd.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Day 26

We reviewed yesterday's lab from page 2-10.  I discussed section 2-2 notes on the phase changes of matter.  We watched a video on Matter Changing States and took the quiz afterwards.  Since we had shortened classes due to a PM assembly, classes were only 30 minutes long and that's all we had time to do.

No homework was assigned, and the chapter 2 test will be on Thursday, October 22nd.

Day 25

We reviewed Monday's lab on measuring the mass of air from pages 2-6 & 2-7.  I introduced Boyle's Law and Charles' Law pertaining to gases.  That was the basis for our lab today, which was on page 2-10, exploring the relationship between the pressure, volume and temperature of a gas.

No homework was assigned, and the chapter 2 test will be on Thursday, October 22nd.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Day 24

Students turned in their week #5 science news articles to begin class.  They worked on the lab on pages 2-6 & 2-7, measuring the mass of air.

No homework was assigned, and the chapter 2 test will be on Thursday, October 22nd.

Day 23

Students were given their new chapter 2 packets.  We discussed section 2-1 notes on the four phases of matter, and completed the worksheet that was right before worksheet 2-1.  Students watched a video on States of Matter and took the quiz after it.  We ended class with students completing the top half of worksheet 2-1 within their groups and going over the answers.  They were instructed to cross off the bottom half of the page, as they will not be responsible for it.

News article #5 is due on Monday, and the chapter 2 test will be on Thursday, October 22nd.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Day 22

Students had their Chapter 1 notebook checked for 100 points while they watched Mythbusters.

No homework was assigned, and the Chapter 2 test will be on Thursday, October 22nd.